Thursday, April 27, 2017

You’ve got to take direction! You’ve got to have discipline!

by Ben, The CND Intern

Raising kids under ideal circumstances would be hard enough, take a parent out of the picture and it's not pretty, at least not without help and good advice.

I don't think anyone likes to be disciplined, but you cant be good at things without correction. 

Recently I came across an article from a website called "The Spruce" most of their articles might seem more suited to Better Homes and Gardens, however, this article is very helpful for parents who need help with disciplining their children. 

Information in this article expands on how to set rules, give praise, set boundaries and punish effectively. 

Maybe now you can find time to study for those finals!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Stressing Over Testing

By Ben the CND Intern

OK, so maybe not every professor is going to be as awesome as this guy from the University of Louisville who became famous last year for babysitting the kids of a single mother whose babysitter canceled at the last moment. 

Still you've got a big test to take (actually probably a few) and kids to take care of. How do you do it?

1. Do a little every day - Cramming is NOT a good study technique. If you spread out your studies and work a little each day in every class you will retain more knowledge and do better on your tests.

Click below for more tips!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

After finals, I'm going to need a vacation!

By: Ben, the CND Intern

     But I have a kid! and I'm a student between semesters, I don't have much money! 

     I bet a lot of single parents out there can relate. 

     I'm afraid I don't have any particularly brilliant new ideas but this webpage shares a good list of the best budget vacation ideas for lower income households, and all of them work in the Pocatello Area. 
Camping, road trips, amusement parks (like the Lagoon), visiting attractions in a nearby city (like Boise or Salt Lake), and State Parks (like Yellowstone). This site has tips on how to do it and what to look out for. I don't know about you, but I think it's time my family finally made it to see Old Faithful.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Keeping Up With the Course Load Without Neglecting Your Kids

By Ben, The CND Intern     

According to a 2014 study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 4.8 million college students were parents of dependent children in 2011, that’s about 26 percent of all college undergraduates.

The number of student parents has risen dramatically in the last 15 years

     Maybe it's just me, but it seems like by the time I get home from school, make dinner, do the least amount of chores that I can get away with, check the computer (because obviously I was paying attention all day and not looking at my personal Email or Facebook wink wink) the day is almost over. 

     Then I have 3 papers to do and my kid, that I haven't seen since I dropped him off for school wants attention....

It feels like I only have 2 options, bonding (hopefully relaxing) time with my kid or getting my work done. 

Again it might be just me, but I doubt it. Here are some answers I have found that help out...